Sunday 14 February 2016



   Love is a purposeful commitment to sacrificial action for another 1 Cor 13:1-13, 1John    4:7-10.

What Love is not?
• Love is not an emotion.
• Love is not addiction
• Love is not sex
• Love is not infatuation
• Love is not harmful
• Love is not an insanity
• Love is not dependency

What Love is?
• Love is awesomely natural{Desire for d well-being of the loved}
• Love is survival{Healing and healthful}
• Love is freedom insistent
• Love is or perfection
• Love is great motivation
• Love is deep connection{Passionately compassionate}
• Love is divine spiritual essence
 Kinds of Love
• Agape (God's divine love John 3:16)
• Phileo ( Fervent Lov
e for another)

    Classification of Love
• Love towards God ( Matt 22:37-38, deut 6:5, Exo 20:1-11)

• Love towards man ( Matt 22:39-40, 1John3:14-17, Exo 20:12-17)
The whole commandments and laws revolves around LOVE...

 Happy valentine day with LOVE...

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