Friday 12 February 2016

Valentine gist from Mariam Omotolani Balogun

Valentines Day is NOT

Valentines Day is NOT only for Lovers
by Mariam Omotolani Balogun

While we celebrate Valentines Day appreciating those we love, we also should take time for ourselves and appreciate where we are in life. Here are some suggestions of things that you can do on Valentines Day: 

1. Look around you and appreciate those who care about you. Be thankful they are in your life

2. Make a list of all the things you like about yourself. Don't be modest; this list is for you, no one else. 

3. Treat yourself on Valentines Day. Buy that one thing that you want - it doesn't have to be expensive, but it has to be a treat that you will enjoy. 

4. Call your mum or your dad, or that someone who made a difference in your life. Thank them for caring about you. 

5. Enjoy your day. Remember, "what you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it." 

6. Take 5 minutes and sit quietly and reflect on all the blessings in your life. Remember there are always those who are in a worse situation than you. 

8. Don't be hard on yourself. When you hear yourself say, "I should have", or "I am so stupid", change your thought. Change your self-talk to positive self-talk. Would you say those things to your best friend, then, why say them to yourself? 

9. Cook or buy your favorite meal for dinner. Enjoy! 

10. Last but not least, start keeping a journal of your accomplishments. Then when you feel down, or feel that you are not making progress you can review your journal and it will remind you of all the accomplishments you have achieved. And, remember, it is not large accomplishments that makes success, it is the little things we do every day that over time turn into success. 

Not Just Another Day
Each day is not just another day. It is a day to recognize your own being, your own thoughts, thinking, and actions and behavior. Valentine's Day for you is everyday. If you do not celebrate the fact that each day you awake to new horizons, to new challenges, to do well, to appreciate life, no one else will do it for you. 

Make each day a day to remember not to regret. Celebrate your own special qualities and the fact that you are a unique individual.

Happy Valentines Day to You! ‎

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