Saturday 16 January 2016

PHOTO STORY: Biafra Is No Joke, These Details Will Shock You

PHOTO STORY: Biafra Is No Joke, These Details Will Shock You

For a few weeks now, agitations for the emancipation of the Biafran people have been going on in states within the Southeastern region of Nigeria. Some are of the believe that there are mere protests, however, there are reasons to think twice.
The Indigenous People of Biafra on a Peaceful Protest over the Arrest of the Director of Radio Biafra yesterday along Ikwerre road in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
A close look at historical facts, especially those related to the Biafra war which took place between 1967 and 1970, gives an insight as to why the ongoing protests for Biafra must not be taken lightly.
If you ever thought light of the issue, then take a second look at these photos and you will see reasons why the Biafra protests is a big deal and why it must be nipped at the bud.
Radio Biafra
Those who are conversant with history will recall that the Biafra war was not just fought on the battle field, the media played a very great role in fueling and shaping the course of the war.
It was through the radio that both Nigerian and Biafran factions sent passed information about progress of the war, lands lost and grounds reclaimed. It was over the radio that the soldiers’ spirits were buoyed.
Never forget that that the radio could be a very great tool for propaganda, it is amazing what messages can be passed over the waves.
Biafra Radio
Arrest Of Biafra Zionists
The Biafrans gave the excuse of being marginalised, brutally dealt with especially in the North. The arrest of twelve supposed Biafra Zionists has proven to be one of the cause of provocation.
This excuse alongside that of the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu- the Radio Biafra director, gave rise to the current wave of agitations rocking the eastern part of the country.
There are also speculation of the corpses that were seen floating on the Ezu River in Anambra state.
Biafra Zionist
Biafra Protests In Foreign Lands
One great ploy by any people looking to secede is to draw the attention of the international community, this is one joker which the current Biafra activists areplaying.
There have been protests across Europe, Asia, America and other continents, the Biafra activists are looking to get the United Nation’s attention in the issue.
They are trying to win the sympathy of the international community, a move that will really count if the attention is won.
Biafra in Uk 2
Biafra in UK
Biafran trampling on Nigerian flag
Biafra National Identifiers
There must be symbols to identify a group of people as sovereign, hence the Biafran symbols and national identifiers are a thing to take seriously.
It would be recalled that in the civil war, Biafrans had their own currency and traded with it to a great extent.
The production of Biafra currency, the flags, passport and emblem are symbols that say alot about the current protests, they give reasons to take the people more seriously and resolve the issue while it has not gone out of hand.
Biafra Currency 2
Biafra ID Card
Biafra Passport 3
Biafra Emblem
Violent Protests
Initially, the protests by the Biafra activists were all peaceful marches across streets and cities, now there are reports of people being injured and some ending up dead. This is a sign that that these agitations might escalate, especially if certain demands by the protesters are not met, demands like the release of the Radio Biafra director, Nnamdi Kanu.
A recent protest by Biafra activist which held in Onitsha, saw the lock down of the Niger bridge, a case that quickly brings to mind that the bridge in question was blown-up in 1967, to stop Nigerian troops from entering the Biafra territory during the civil war.
Many historians claim that the demolition of the bridge which links Asaba, was a major setback major to the federal troops’ incursion into the Biafran territory until the war ended in January 1970.
Biafra Fanatics
Biafra-Shut Down Niger bridge
Conscription Of Biafra Agitators
Most stories told about the Biafra war, relayed how most Igbo people and many from the eastern region were conscripted into the Nigerian army. The stories narrate how the Biafran army held camps in schools compounds and church buildings, training the recruits to shoot with carved sticks.
The photos below show a similar trait, however they only show a conscription into a Biafra agitator group, no gun training yet. However, it all forms a pattern, the circle goes on, giving cause for the nation to take these protests serious.
Biafra Conscription 2
Biafra Conscription
The Biafra Army
In October, there was a video which showed Nnamdi Kanu, the Radio Biafra director soliciting for arms at an Igbo conference which held in the United States.
They say there is no smoke without fire, thus, if Kanu was seeking arms to fight Nigeria, then that might be linked to rumours that their currently is a Biafra army preparing.
The pictures of various people clad in uniforms supposedly belonging to the Biafra army, might seem like some child’s play, however, the fruit does not fall too far from the tree.
Until we know for certain that these rumours are speculation indeed, then we have a reason to worry that there may be great threats to the peace of Nigeria.
The pictures below are very cogent reasons why the Buafra protests and agitations must not be taken lightly.
Biafra soldiers
Beautiful Biafran Ladies
Here are some other photos post on socio-media which give more reasons why the Biafra protests in the southeastern region of Nigeria must be given proper attention.

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